Wednesday, 29 August 2018

FXQU_A1 v2.53

A small change to the volatility detection algorithm was made last night and deployed across two of the bots.  One demo and one live prototype account.

The battle between spreads, noise and true price movement makes for an extremely difficult challenge.. And having a robot make decisions influenced by these factors is very difficult.  However the bots never get tired.. They only get it right or wrong.

Quartz v1.89 remains untouched.

Monday, 27 August 2018

FXQU_A1 v2.51

I have updated the risk management code for the prototype bots.. V2.51 is deployed across several accounts.  There is also two tiny timeframe accounts in testing - these cover synthetic timeframes from 2 to 5 minutes. Spread and commission now play a direct part to the profitability of these settings.

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

FXQU_A1 v2.47

Latest version v2.47 is deployed across all demo and live prototype accounts.  Quartz is excluded.  New features include a smarter risk management algorithm as well as a new adjustable hard stop loss.

Lots been worked on in the background. More to follow

Thursday, 16 August 2018

FXQU_A1 v2.42 sniping

I have added a sniping function to the bots so that for any first level only position there is a rapid exit opportunity should the profit equate to a small positive amount.  If this exit action is not taken then the normal algorithm takes over.  This is to reduce overall market exposure and also to increase the broadness of trades a available.

A couple of versions ago I introduced a neighbour limit whereby timeframes scanned can not be open at the same time.  This allows for more timeframe diversity and alslimits market exposure.
V1.89 (Quartz) was not touched.

Monday, 13 August 2018

FXQU_A1 v2.39

Stops were taken out last week and this was a good outcome considering the carnage on markets.

Quartz is still positive overall but August looking likely to be a negative month.

V2.39 has been deployed to a live prototype account for testing

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

FXQU_A1 v2.36

V2.36 is now running on 3 accounts.. V1.89 quartz has not been upgraded as this is the primary account with 8 months of history.

The robot has evolved into a highly active machine that combats spreads, low noise trending and news events.  I will continue to refine the bot and upgrade the prototypes as needed.