Tuesday, 13 March 2018

FXQU_A1 update.. Lowered risk

What a night.. FXQU_A1 Sapphire and Topaz took a hit due to their high frequency scaling algorithm.  I have amended this to bring it down and in line with the graphite and quartz accounts.

Given the volatility over the last few hours the two accounts FXQU_A1 Quartz and FXQU_A1 Graphite handled the movements really well.  Drawdown is still in hand.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

FXQU_A1 update.. Crypto.. MAM

Not much to add.. V1.92 deployed to to two robots.. Cosmetic changes only. The crypto currency offering is progressing... Even though cryptos are getting bad press.. Go against the Herd.

Might also start looking a MAM account

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

FXQU_A1 update... Quiet

OK so all 4 robots going ok... Not sure why I call it 4 robots because it's the one engine driving them all..

I deployed a slight configuration change to the two most active accounts sapphire and topaz to slow them..

Apart from that, my plans to proceed with a new crypto are progressing. More later